zecuddlyblumedic: askthedemolitionsoldier: zecuddlyblumedic: synnesai: #the way he points at the door like ‘dis bitch’ (When I see Beast, I only see Jane in his expression and gestures. Help me. HELP) [[ good lord we need drawings of Abel as
zecuddlyblumedic: askthedemolitionsoldier: zecuddlyblumedic: synnesai: #the way he points at the door like ‘dis bitch’ (When I see Beast, I only see Jane in his expression and gestures. Help me. HELP) [[ good lord we need drawings of Abel as
zecuddlyblumedic: askthedemolitionsoldier: zecuddlyblumedic: synnesai: #the way he points at the door like ‘dis bitch’ (When I see Beast, I only see Jane in his expression and gestures. Help me. HELP) [[ good lord we need drawings of Abel as
zecuddlyblumedic: askthedemolitionsoldier: zecuddlyblumedic: synnesai: #the way he points at the door like ‘dis bitch’ (When I see Beast, I only see Jane in his expression and gestures. Help me. HELP) [[ good lord we need drawings of Abel as