dark-space-exotics: Mature female Poecilotheria subfusca “lowland”, a stunning old world species that packs a punch. I recieved a mature male today so fingers crossed for pairing them up. P.subfusca like it fairly cool and humid by pokie standards.
dark-space-exotics: Mature female Poecilotheria subfusca “lowland”, a stunning old world species that packs a punch. I recieved a mature male today so fingers crossed for pairing them up. P.subfusca like it fairly cool and humid by pokie standards.
dark-space-exotics: Mature female Poecilotheria subfusca “lowland”, a stunning old world species that packs a punch. I recieved a mature male today so fingers crossed for pairing them up. P.subfusca like it fairly cool and humid by pokie standards.
dark-space-exotics: Mature female Poecilotheria subfusca “lowland”, a stunning old world species that packs a punch. I recieved a mature male today so fingers crossed for pairing them up. P.subfusca like it fairly cool and humid by pokie standards.
dark-space-exotics: Mature female Poecilotheria subfusca “lowland”, a stunning old world species that packs a punch. I recieved a mature male today so fingers crossed for pairing them up. P.subfusca like it fairly cool and humid by pokie standards.
dark-space-exotics: Mature female Poecilotheria subfusca “lowland”, a stunning old world species that packs a punch. I recieved a mature male today so fingers crossed for pairing them up. P.subfusca like it fairly cool and humid by pokie standards.