glumshoe: wherehipposdrome: glumshoe: glumshoe: “Hey, I like this color and it looks great on me!” you say one day. Six years later you open your closet and nearly every shirt you own is the same shade of rusty red-orange. Help. SHIT. SHIT
glumshoe: wherehipposdrome: glumshoe: glumshoe: “Hey, I like this color and it looks great on me!” you say one day. Six years later you open your closet and nearly every shirt you own is the same shade of rusty red-orange. Help. SHIT. SHIT
glumshoe: wherehipposdrome: glumshoe: glumshoe: “Hey, I like this color and it looks great on me!” you say one day. Six years later you open your closet and nearly every shirt you own is the same shade of rusty red-orange. Help. SHIT. SHIT
glumshoe: wherehipposdrome: glumshoe: glumshoe: “Hey, I like this color and it looks great on me!” you say one day. Six years later you open your closet and nearly every shirt you own is the same shade of rusty red-orange. Help. SHIT. SHIT
glumshoe: wherehipposdrome: glumshoe: glumshoe: “Hey, I like this color and it looks great on me!” you say one day. Six years later you open your closet and nearly every shirt you own is the same shade of rusty red-orange. Help. SHIT. SHIT