kieraplease: Happy Blackout day! Remember this movement isn’t meant to reject or exclude anyone, but rather a day to recognize and appreciate the beauty, talents, and minds of people of color. Stay hydrated <3 (ig: kieraplease)
kieraplease: Happy Blackout day! Remember this movement isn’t meant to reject or exclude anyone, but rather a day to recognize and appreciate the beauty, talents, and minds of people of color. Stay hydrated <3 (ig: kieraplease)
kieraplease: Happy Blackout day! Remember this movement isn’t meant to reject or exclude anyone, but rather a day to recognize and appreciate the beauty, talents, and minds of people of color. Stay hydrated <3 (ig: kieraplease)
kieraplease: Happy Blackout day! Remember this movement isn’t meant to reject or exclude anyone, but rather a day to recognize and appreciate the beauty, talents, and minds of people of color. Stay hydrated <3 (ig: kieraplease)