bugmeyer: Kokabiel, Angel of the Starswww.angelarium.net—-The silent field of swaying grass waved at the ocean aboveThe giants march past us by the thousandBy the thousand thousand and many moreInfinite upon infiniteThe don’t look backWe stare on
bugmeyer: Kokabiel, Angel of the Starswww.angelarium.net—-The silent field of swaying grass waved at the ocean aboveThe giants march past us by the thousandBy the thousand thousand and many moreInfinite upon infiniteThe don’t look backWe stare on
bugmeyer: Kokabiel, Angel of the Starswww.angelarium.net—-The silent field of swaying grass waved at the ocean aboveThe giants march past us by the thousandBy the thousand thousand and many moreInfinite upon infiniteThe don’t look backWe stare on