pokemon-global-academy:40 Day Pokémon Challenge | Day 34:Favorite Villain Team - Team Galactic How do Poison and Dark types have anything to do with SPACE?! 😔
pokemon-global-academy:40 Day Pokémon Challenge | Day 34:Favorite Villain Team - Team Galactic How do Poison and Dark types have anything to do with SPACE?! 😔
pokemon-global-academy:40 Day Pokémon Challenge | Day 34:Favorite Villain Team - Team Galactic How do Poison and Dark types have anything to do with SPACE?! 😔
pokemon-global-academy:40 Day Pokémon Challenge | Day 34:Favorite Villain Team - Team Galactic How do Poison and Dark types have anything to do with SPACE?! 😔
pokemon-global-academy:40 Day Pokémon Challenge | Day 34:Favorite Villain Team - Team Galactic How do Poison and Dark types have anything to do with SPACE?! 😔
pokemon-global-academy:40 Day Pokémon Challenge | Day 34:Favorite Villain Team - Team Galactic How do Poison and Dark types have anything to do with SPACE?! 😔
pokemon-global-academy:40 Day Pokémon Challenge | Day 34:Favorite Villain Team - Team Galactic How do Poison and Dark types have anything to do with SPACE?! 😔
pokemon-global-academy:40 Day Pokémon Challenge | Day 34:Favorite Villain Team - Team Galactic How do Poison and Dark types have anything to do with SPACE?! 😔