egalitarianyellowfang: Just your daily reminders: Racists are a problem White people are not Homophobes are a problem Straight people are not Transphobes are a problem Cis people are not Sexists are a problem Men are not And most importantly, Hating
egalitarianyellowfang: Just your daily reminders: Racists are a problem White people are not Homophobes are a problem Straight people are not Transphobes are a problem Cis people are not Sexists are a problem Men are not And most importantly, Hating
egalitarianyellowfang: Just your daily reminders: Racists are a problem White people are not Homophobes are a problem Straight people are not Transphobes are a problem Cis people are not Sexists are a problem Men are not And most importantly, Hating