whiteconqueror: Two filthy chinks banded together so that they can have any chances finding a white man. After all there is enough yellow meat for everyone. They have their performance down to the last detail - gotta appreciate 1st grade snowballing.
whiteconqueror: Two filthy chinks banded together so that they can have any chances finding a white man. After all there is enough yellow meat for everyone. They have their performance down to the last detail - gotta appreciate 1st grade snowballing.
whiteconqueror: Two filthy chinks banded together so that they can have any chances finding a white man. After all there is enough yellow meat for everyone. They have their performance down to the last detail - gotta appreciate 1st grade snowballing.
whiteconqueror: Two filthy chinks banded together so that they can have any chances finding a white man. After all there is enough yellow meat for everyone. They have their performance down to the last detail - gotta appreciate 1st grade snowballing.