fridaynightfisticuffs: phantasmalandrespledant: an underappreciated moment from monster factory as a whole the fuckin fact that griffin talks all serious with his mic on, and then mutes himself to fuckin whoop out his uncontainable laughter just REALLY
fridaynightfisticuffs: phantasmalandrespledant: an underappreciated moment from monster factory as a whole the fuckin fact that griffin talks all serious with his mic on, and then mutes himself to fuckin whoop out his uncontainable laughter just REALLY
fridaynightfisticuffs: phantasmalandrespledant: an underappreciated moment from monster factory as a whole the fuckin fact that griffin talks all serious with his mic on, and then mutes himself to fuckin whoop out his uncontainable laughter just REALLY
fridaynightfisticuffs: phantasmalandrespledant: an underappreciated moment from monster factory as a whole the fuckin fact that griffin talks all serious with his mic on, and then mutes himself to fuckin whoop out his uncontainable laughter just REALLY
fridaynightfisticuffs: phantasmalandrespledant: an underappreciated moment from monster factory as a whole the fuckin fact that griffin talks all serious with his mic on, and then mutes himself to fuckin whoop out his uncontainable laughter just REALLY
fridaynightfisticuffs: phantasmalandrespledant: an underappreciated moment from monster factory as a whole the fuckin fact that griffin talks all serious with his mic on, and then mutes himself to fuckin whoop out his uncontainable laughter just REALLY