norseminuteman: waitinforthebus: c[]xxx[]:::::::::::::::> this is the sword of good fortune, may it aid you in your travels. It’s dangerous to go alone.
norseminuteman: waitinforthebus: c[]xxx[]:::::::::::::::> this is the sword of good fortune, may it aid you in your travels. It’s dangerous to go alone.
norseminuteman: waitinforthebus: c[]xxx[]:::::::::::::::> this is the sword of good fortune, may it aid you in your travels. It’s dangerous to go alone.
norseminuteman: waitinforthebus: c[]xxx[]:::::::::::::::> this is the sword of good fortune, may it aid you in your travels. It’s dangerous to go alone.
norseminuteman: waitinforthebus: c[]xxx[]:::::::::::::::> this is the sword of good fortune, may it aid you in your travels. It’s dangerous to go alone.
norseminuteman: waitinforthebus: c[]xxx[]:::::::::::::::> this is the sword of good fortune, may it aid you in your travels. It’s dangerous to go alone.
norseminuteman: waitinforthebus: c[]xxx[]:::::::::::::::> this is the sword of good fortune, may it aid you in your travels. It’s dangerous to go alone.
norseminuteman: waitinforthebus: c[]xxx[]:::::::::::::::> this is the sword of good fortune, may it aid you in your travels. It’s dangerous to go alone.
norseminuteman: waitinforthebus: c[]xxx[]:::::::::::::::> this is the sword of good fortune, may it aid you in your travels. It’s dangerous to go alone.
norseminuteman: waitinforthebus: c[]xxx[]:::::::::::::::> this is the sword of good fortune, may it aid you in your travels. It’s dangerous to go alone.
norseminuteman: waitinforthebus: c[]xxx[]:::::::::::::::> this is the sword of good fortune, may it aid you in your travels. It’s dangerous to go alone.
norseminuteman: waitinforthebus: c[]xxx[]:::::::::::::::> this is the sword of good fortune, may it aid you in your travels. It’s dangerous to go alone.