cslucaris: #134 - A Girl and her Splattling I had to make a little comic thing after seeing the little victory hug my Inkling does when she wins. It was so adorable~ I take commissions, yup.
cslucaris: #134 - A Girl and her Splattling I had to make a little comic thing after seeing the little victory hug my Inkling does when she wins. It was so adorable~ I take commissions, yup.
cslucaris: #134 - A Girl and her Splattling I had to make a little comic thing after seeing the little victory hug my Inkling does when she wins. It was so adorable~ I take commissions, yup.
cslucaris: #134 - A Girl and her Splattling I had to make a little comic thing after seeing the little victory hug my Inkling does when she wins. It was so adorable~ I take commissions, yup.
cslucaris: #134 - A Girl and her Splattling I had to make a little comic thing after seeing the little victory hug my Inkling does when she wins. It was so adorable~ I take commissions, yup.
cslucaris: #134 - A Girl and her Splattling I had to make a little comic thing after seeing the little victory hug my Inkling does when she wins. It was so adorable~ I take commissions, yup.