stickiemickie: A middle aged domestic helper was found dead in her room. Picture one shows the scene of death, the pattern of blood splatter in the scene denotes an arterial oringin while the blood soiling the pillow points to its veinus origin. The
stickiemickie: A middle aged domestic helper was found dead in her room. Picture one shows the scene of death, the pattern of blood splatter in the scene denotes an arterial oringin while the blood soiling the pillow points to its veinus origin. The
stickiemickie: A middle aged domestic helper was found dead in her room. Picture one shows the scene of death, the pattern of blood splatter in the scene denotes an arterial oringin while the blood soiling the pillow points to its veinus origin. The
stickiemickie: A middle aged domestic helper was found dead in her room. Picture one shows the scene of death, the pattern of blood splatter in the scene denotes an arterial oringin while the blood soiling the pillow points to its veinus origin. The