glumshoe: glumshoe: Yet more of my wizard professor, who has a poodle familiar which follows him everywhere. I should probably mention that my school also has an astronomy tower decorated with alchemy symbols. RIP, The Wizard. You will be missed.
glumshoe: glumshoe: Yet more of my wizard professor, who has a poodle familiar which follows him everywhere. I should probably mention that my school also has an astronomy tower decorated with alchemy symbols. RIP, The Wizard. You will be missed.
glumshoe: glumshoe: Yet more of my wizard professor, who has a poodle familiar which follows him everywhere. I should probably mention that my school also has an astronomy tower decorated with alchemy symbols. RIP, The Wizard. You will be missed.
glumshoe: glumshoe: Yet more of my wizard professor, who has a poodle familiar which follows him everywhere. I should probably mention that my school also has an astronomy tower decorated with alchemy symbols. RIP, The Wizard. You will be missed.
glumshoe: glumshoe: Yet more of my wizard professor, who has a poodle familiar which follows him everywhere. I should probably mention that my school also has an astronomy tower decorated with alchemy symbols. RIP, The Wizard. You will be missed.
glumshoe: glumshoe: Yet more of my wizard professor, who has a poodle familiar which follows him everywhere. I should probably mention that my school also has an astronomy tower decorated with alchemy symbols. RIP, The Wizard. You will be missed.
glumshoe: glumshoe: Yet more of my wizard professor, who has a poodle familiar which follows him everywhere. I should probably mention that my school also has an astronomy tower decorated with alchemy symbols. RIP, The Wizard. You will be missed.
glumshoe: glumshoe: Yet more of my wizard professor, who has a poodle familiar which follows him everywhere. I should probably mention that my school also has an astronomy tower decorated with alchemy symbols. RIP, The Wizard. You will be missed.
glumshoe: glumshoe: Yet more of my wizard professor, who has a poodle familiar which follows him everywhere. I should probably mention that my school also has an astronomy tower decorated with alchemy symbols. RIP, The Wizard. You will be missed.
glumshoe: glumshoe: Yet more of my wizard professor, who has a poodle familiar which follows him everywhere. I should probably mention that my school also has an astronomy tower decorated with alchemy symbols. RIP, The Wizard. You will be missed.
glumshoe: glumshoe: Yet more of my wizard professor, who has a poodle familiar which follows him everywhere. I should probably mention that my school also has an astronomy tower decorated with alchemy symbols. RIP, The Wizard. You will be missed.