erenjaegrrr: totaleclipseofthedick: AU where Levi is Godzilla but no one says anything about it #people stil ship all the same things #people still think levi is hot #everything is exactly the same #but levi is a giant fucking lizard(via)
erenjaegrrr: totaleclipseofthedick: AU where Levi is Godzilla but no one says anything about it #people stil ship all the same things #people still think levi is hot #everything is exactly the same #but levi is a giant fucking lizard(via)
erenjaegrrr: totaleclipseofthedick: AU where Levi is Godzilla but no one says anything about it #people stil ship all the same things #people still think levi is hot #everything is exactly the same #but levi is a giant fucking lizard(via)
erenjaegrrr: totaleclipseofthedick: AU where Levi is Godzilla but no one says anything about it #people stil ship all the same things #people still think levi is hot #everything is exactly the same #but levi is a giant fucking lizard(via)