consp1racy: korra went from having no spiritual connection to being able to goku the fuck out of a spirit death ray and basically make the spirit world her second home dON’T TOUCH ME
consp1racy: korra went from having no spiritual connection to being able to goku the fuck out of a spirit death ray and basically make the spirit world her second home dON’T TOUCH ME
consp1racy: korra went from having no spiritual connection to being able to goku the fuck out of a spirit death ray and basically make the spirit world her second home dON’T TOUCH ME
consp1racy: korra went from having no spiritual connection to being able to goku the fuck out of a spirit death ray and basically make the spirit world her second home dON’T TOUCH ME
consp1racy: korra went from having no spiritual connection to being able to goku the fuck out of a spirit death ray and basically make the spirit world her second home dON’T TOUCH ME