canklelover: pardonmewhileipanic: not sure what to wear to crystal’s bday party wear whatever you want as long as you showoff those sexy cankles! Beauty standards… Juicy Jackie 5'4" 407 /- 185 kg BMI: 56.8
canklelover: pardonmewhileipanic: not sure what to wear to crystal’s bday party wear whatever you want as long as you showoff those sexy cankles! Beauty standards… Juicy Jackie 5'4" 407 /- 185 kg BMI: 56.8
canklelover: pardonmewhileipanic: not sure what to wear to crystal’s bday party wear whatever you want as long as you showoff those sexy cankles! Beauty standards… Juicy Jackie 5'4" 407 /- 185 kg BMI: 56.8