je-veux-etre-seul: redrunningfox: My favourite part of the first two series was, even though most of the action was focused on WarGreymon & MetalGarurumon, then all the digivolution variants, who were the most powerful on the kids’ teams? THE
je-veux-etre-seul: redrunningfox: My favourite part of the first two series was, even though most of the action was focused on WarGreymon & MetalGarurumon, then all the digivolution variants, who were the most powerful on the kids’ teams? THE
je-veux-etre-seul: redrunningfox: My favourite part of the first two series was, even though most of the action was focused on WarGreymon & MetalGarurumon, then all the digivolution variants, who were the most powerful on the kids’ teams? THE