behindheremeraldeyes: SasuSaku Month 2016.Day 3- Old Habits Die Hard.Title: Forgiveness & Love.Summary: And no matter how many years go by, nothing will ever change between them. Nothing, especially those eyes of hers..A/N: I’ve finally made it!
behindheremeraldeyes: SasuSaku Month 2016.Day 3- Old Habits Die Hard.Title: Forgiveness & Love.Summary: And no matter how many years go by, nothing will ever change between them. Nothing, especially those eyes of hers..A/N: I’ve finally made it!
behindheremeraldeyes: SasuSaku Month 2016.Day 3- Old Habits Die Hard.Title: Forgiveness & Love.Summary: And no matter how many years go by, nothing will ever change between them. Nothing, especially those eyes of hers..A/N: I’ve finally made it!