synthiachen1995: fukurohs: Mitsuki & Sarada + feats before graduation bonus: …don’t worry, Kishimoto sensei is still the supervisor. (But what will a supervisor do anyway?)
synthiachen1995: fukurohs: Mitsuki & Sarada + feats before graduation bonus: …don’t worry, Kishimoto sensei is still the supervisor. (But what will a supervisor do anyway?)
synthiachen1995: fukurohs: Mitsuki & Sarada + feats before graduation bonus: …don’t worry, Kishimoto sensei is still the supervisor. (But what will a supervisor do anyway?)
synthiachen1995: fukurohs: Mitsuki & Sarada + feats before graduation bonus: …don’t worry, Kishimoto sensei is still the supervisor. (But what will a supervisor do anyway?)
synthiachen1995: fukurohs: Mitsuki & Sarada + feats before graduation bonus: …don’t worry, Kishimoto sensei is still the supervisor. (But what will a supervisor do anyway?)