secretsivekept: Well, I’m not quite satisfied with how Stormfly turned out, but then again, this is the very first time I’ve drawn that dragon. :) Just a funny idea I had for the Hiccstrid fandom, of which I love so much X3
secretsivekept: Well, I’m not quite satisfied with how Stormfly turned out, but then again, this is the very first time I’ve drawn that dragon. :) Just a funny idea I had for the Hiccstrid fandom, of which I love so much X3
secretsivekept: Well, I’m not quite satisfied with how Stormfly turned out, but then again, this is the very first time I’ve drawn that dragon. :) Just a funny idea I had for the Hiccstrid fandom, of which I love so much X3
secretsivekept: Well, I’m not quite satisfied with how Stormfly turned out, but then again, this is the very first time I’ve drawn that dragon. :) Just a funny idea I had for the Hiccstrid fandom, of which I love so much X3
secretsivekept: Well, I’m not quite satisfied with how Stormfly turned out, but then again, this is the very first time I’ve drawn that dragon. :) Just a funny idea I had for the Hiccstrid fandom, of which I love so much X3
secretsivekept: Well, I’m not quite satisfied with how Stormfly turned out, but then again, this is the very first time I’ve drawn that dragon. :) Just a funny idea I had for the Hiccstrid fandom, of which I love so much X3