dorkshadows: If there was a mirror of erised equivalent in the Kuro-verse, here’s what I think the cast would see:Ciel- his parents alive and happy with him, no brand mark on his sideLizzie- the Midfords and the Phantomhives standing happily together,
dorkshadows: If there was a mirror of erised equivalent in the Kuro-verse, here’s what I think the cast would see:Ciel- his parents alive and happy with him, no brand mark on his sideLizzie- the Midfords and the Phantomhives standing happily together,
dorkshadows: If there was a mirror of erised equivalent in the Kuro-verse, here’s what I think the cast would see:Ciel- his parents alive and happy with him, no brand mark on his sideLizzie- the Midfords and the Phantomhives standing happily together,
dorkshadows: If there was a mirror of erised equivalent in the Kuro-verse, here’s what I think the cast would see:Ciel- his parents alive and happy with him, no brand mark on his sideLizzie- the Midfords and the Phantomhives standing happily together,
dorkshadows: If there was a mirror of erised equivalent in the Kuro-verse, here’s what I think the cast would see:Ciel- his parents alive and happy with him, no brand mark on his sideLizzie- the Midfords and the Phantomhives standing happily together,
dorkshadows: If there was a mirror of erised equivalent in the Kuro-verse, here’s what I think the cast would see:Ciel- his parents alive and happy with him, no brand mark on his sideLizzie- the Midfords and the Phantomhives standing happily together,
dorkshadows: If there was a mirror of erised equivalent in the Kuro-verse, here’s what I think the cast would see:Ciel- his parents alive and happy with him, no brand mark on his sideLizzie- the Midfords and the Phantomhives standing happily together,
dorkshadows: If there was a mirror of erised equivalent in the Kuro-verse, here’s what I think the cast would see:Ciel- his parents alive and happy with him, no brand mark on his sideLizzie- the Midfords and the Phantomhives standing happily together,
dorkshadows: If there was a mirror of erised equivalent in the Kuro-verse, here’s what I think the cast would see:Ciel- his parents alive and happy with him, no brand mark on his sideLizzie- the Midfords and the Phantomhives standing happily together,
dorkshadows: If there was a mirror of erised equivalent in the Kuro-verse, here’s what I think the cast would see:Ciel- his parents alive and happy with him, no brand mark on his sideLizzie- the Midfords and the Phantomhives standing happily together,
dorkshadows: If there was a mirror of erised equivalent in the Kuro-verse, here’s what I think the cast would see:Ciel- his parents alive and happy with him, no brand mark on his sideLizzie- the Midfords and the Phantomhives standing happily together,