proud-inferior:HELP!! Looking for the best 24/7 male chastity device! HolyTrainer is my favorite so far. Does anyone have good advice? Is there anything better? Should I take the regular or small version? And which color? :) small in pink
proud-inferior:HELP!! Looking for the best 24/7 male chastity device! HolyTrainer is my favorite so far. Does anyone have good advice? Is there anything better? Should I take the regular or small version? And which color? :) small in pink
proud-inferior:HELP!! Looking for the best 24/7 male chastity device! HolyTrainer is my favorite so far. Does anyone have good advice? Is there anything better? Should I take the regular or small version? And which color? :) small in pink
proud-inferior:HELP!! Looking for the best 24/7 male chastity device! HolyTrainer is my favorite so far. Does anyone have good advice? Is there anything better? Should I take the regular or small version? And which color? :) small in pink