chrispywolf: Banging in the sauna Crowdy sauna by Rov This was a two part collaboration between KodaWorks (commissioned 1st pic) & chrispywolf (commissioned 2nd pic) of our characters Fluke (the husky) and Mordechai (the rhino).
chrispywolf: Banging in the sauna Crowdy sauna by Rov This was a two part collaboration between KodaWorks (commissioned 1st pic) & chrispywolf (commissioned 2nd pic) of our characters Fluke (the husky) and Mordechai (the rhino).
chrispywolf: Banging in the sauna Crowdy sauna by Rov This was a two part collaboration between KodaWorks (commissioned 1st pic) & chrispywolf (commissioned 2nd pic) of our characters Fluke (the husky) and Mordechai (the rhino).