roninkairi: 1:17- This is where you start playing the One Punch Man theme. 2:00- Ekosa’s Mom: I’M GONNA KILL YOU– ChiChi: Bitch please. (Repeat playing of the OPM Theme at your leisure.)
roninkairi: 1:17- This is where you start playing the One Punch Man theme. 2:00- Ekosa’s Mom: I’M GONNA KILL YOU– ChiChi: Bitch please. (Repeat playing of the OPM Theme at your leisure.)
roninkairi: 1:17- This is where you start playing the One Punch Man theme. 2:00- Ekosa’s Mom: I’M GONNA KILL YOU– ChiChi: Bitch please. (Repeat playing of the OPM Theme at your leisure.)