cwoodycentral: Camp W.O.O.D.Y.: Goth Cabin Edition: Crimson Requested (Patreon) ARTWORK done by: @lookatthatbuttyoCONCEPT AND IDEA: ME**************************** Done on stream by LATBY for his monthly patreon members, Crimson the 2nd goth on Total
cwoodycentral: Camp W.O.O.D.Y.: Goth Cabin Edition: Crimson Requested (Patreon) ARTWORK done by: @lookatthatbuttyoCONCEPT AND IDEA: ME**************************** Done on stream by LATBY for his monthly patreon members, Crimson the 2nd goth on Total
cwoodycentral: Camp W.O.O.D.Y.: Goth Cabin Edition: Crimson Requested (Patreon) ARTWORK done by: @lookatthatbuttyoCONCEPT AND IDEA: ME**************************** Done on stream by LATBY for his monthly patreon members, Crimson the 2nd goth on Total