getsuswet: thisismyusernamegogetyourown: so like if a person went to the store to buy hemorrhoid cream or something they could just buy a birthday card with it and be like “nah man it’s for my friend, her birthday is tomorrow and she loves this
getsuswet: thisismyusernamegogetyourown: so like if a person went to the store to buy hemorrhoid cream or something they could just buy a birthday card with it and be like “nah man it’s for my friend, her birthday is tomorrow and she loves this
getsuswet: thisismyusernamegogetyourown: so like if a person went to the store to buy hemorrhoid cream or something they could just buy a birthday card with it and be like “nah man it’s for my friend, her birthday is tomorrow and she loves this
getsuswet: thisismyusernamegogetyourown: so like if a person went to the store to buy hemorrhoid cream or something they could just buy a birthday card with it and be like “nah man it’s for my friend, her birthday is tomorrow and she loves this
getsuswet: thisismyusernamegogetyourown: so like if a person went to the store to buy hemorrhoid cream or something they could just buy a birthday card with it and be like “nah man it’s for my friend, her birthday is tomorrow and she loves this