yuumeilove: First page and cover And so it begins!!!This comic is based off @flickich ‘s comic here:http://flickich.tumblr.com/post/123356719564/all-pages-of-kylie-comic-please-support-me-onThis me and yummeilove’s fan made sequel to it!!
yuumeilove: First page and cover And so it begins!!!This comic is based off @flickich ‘s comic here:http://flickich.tumblr.com/post/123356719564/all-pages-of-kylie-comic-please-support-me-onThis me and yummeilove’s fan made sequel to it!!
yuumeilove: First page and cover And so it begins!!!This comic is based off @flickich ‘s comic here:http://flickich.tumblr.com/post/123356719564/all-pages-of-kylie-comic-please-support-me-onThis me and yummeilove’s fan made sequel to it!!