what if ken and daisuke became letter bees and wormmon and v-mon were their dingos and they wore fucking matching handkerchiefs and kens hat was too big for him and daisukes strutting around like he’s the coolest thing ever when really he’s
what if ken and daisuke became letter bees and wormmon and v-mon were their dingos and they wore fucking matching handkerchiefs and kens hat was too big for him and daisukes strutting around like he’s the coolest thing ever when really he’s
what if ken and daisuke became letter bees and wormmon and v-mon were their dingos and they wore fucking matching handkerchiefs and kens hat was too big for him and daisukes strutting around like he’s the coolest thing ever when really he’s
what if ken and daisuke became letter bees and wormmon and v-mon were their dingos and they wore fucking matching handkerchiefs and kens hat was too big for him and daisukes strutting around like he’s the coolest thing ever when really he’s
what if ken and daisuke became letter bees and wormmon and v-mon were their dingos and they wore fucking matching handkerchiefs and kens hat was too big for him and daisukes strutting around like he’s the coolest thing ever when really he’s
what if ken and daisuke became letter bees and wormmon and v-mon were their dingos and they wore fucking matching handkerchiefs and kens hat was too big for him and daisukes strutting around like he’s the coolest thing ever when really he’s
what if ken and daisuke became letter bees and wormmon and v-mon were their dingos and they wore fucking matching handkerchiefs and kens hat was too big for him and daisukes strutting around like he’s the coolest thing ever when really he’s
what if ken and daisuke became letter bees and wormmon and v-mon were their dingos and they wore fucking matching handkerchiefs and kens hat was too big for him and daisukes strutting around like he’s the coolest thing ever when really he’s
what if ken and daisuke became letter bees and wormmon and v-mon were their dingos and they wore fucking matching handkerchiefs and kens hat was too big for him and daisukes strutting around like he’s the coolest thing ever when really he’s
what if ken and daisuke became letter bees and wormmon and v-mon were their dingos and they wore fucking matching handkerchiefs and kens hat was too big for him and daisukes strutting around like he’s the coolest thing ever when really he’s