Camp W.O.O.D.Y.: SLIMED!! page 5-6 COMMISSIONED ARTWORK done by: Rodjim/Mr.RojimaConcept, idea, and script: me, xxmerciual-darknessxx, and RnRBros:———————— Plans made and Set in motion!!!Will the “Bait” be taken? ;)Previous pages:Pages
Camp W.O.O.D.Y.: SLIMED!! page 5-6 COMMISSIONED ARTWORK done by: Rodjim/Mr.RojimaConcept, idea, and script: me, xxmerciual-darknessxx, and RnRBros:———————— Plans made and Set in motion!!!Will the “Bait” be taken? ;)Previous pages:Pages
Camp W.O.O.D.Y.: SLIMED!! page 5-6 COMMISSIONED ARTWORK done by: Rodjim/Mr.RojimaConcept, idea, and script: me, xxmerciual-darknessxx, and RnRBros:———————— Plans made and Set in motion!!!Will the “Bait” be taken? ;)Previous pages:Pages