stickysheep: rickmoony replied to your photo “Bath is good”Eyy, gettin’ clean. That is a wicked tattoo! Gotta ask what the center piece is though. Tentacle heart?Nah, here’s a very good fresh pic of my first session which was the center piece
stickysheep: rickmoony replied to your photo “Bath is good”Eyy, gettin’ clean. That is a wicked tattoo! Gotta ask what the center piece is though. Tentacle heart?Nah, here’s a very good fresh pic of my first session which was the center piece
stickysheep: rickmoony replied to your photo “Bath is good”Eyy, gettin’ clean. That is a wicked tattoo! Gotta ask what the center piece is though. Tentacle heart?Nah, here’s a very good fresh pic of my first session which was the center piece
stickysheep: rickmoony replied to your photo “Bath is good”Eyy, gettin’ clean. That is a wicked tattoo! Gotta ask what the center piece is though. Tentacle heart?Nah, here’s a very good fresh pic of my first session which was the center piece