deemonseedworship:To the slave: the duty of the slave isthe aggressive pursuit of the Seed ofthe Master, the aggressive striving toserve the Genital Pleasure of theMaster by any method and for anyamount of time required or desired by Him.Live this way
deemonseedworship:To the slave: the duty of the slave isthe aggressive pursuit of the Seed ofthe Master, the aggressive striving toserve the Genital Pleasure of theMaster by any method and for anyamount of time required or desired by Him.Live this way
deemonseedworship:To the slave: the duty of the slave isthe aggressive pursuit of the Seed ofthe Master, the aggressive striving toserve the Genital Pleasure of theMaster by any method and for anyamount of time required or desired by Him.Live this way
deemonseedworship:To the slave: the duty of the slave isthe aggressive pursuit of the Seed ofthe Master, the aggressive striving toserve the Genital Pleasure of theMaster by any method and for anyamount of time required or desired by Him.Live this way
deemonseedworship:To the slave: the duty of the slave isthe aggressive pursuit of the Seed ofthe Master, the aggressive striving toserve the Genital Pleasure of theMaster by any method and for anyamount of time required or desired by Him.Live this way