tenleid: So at Wondercon my boyfriend and I finally cosplayed Bleez and Kyle Rayner~!This costume was super uncomfortable in so many ways, and it ended up being much more of a challenge than anticipated. I’m currently remaking the entire thing from
tenleid: So at Wondercon my boyfriend and I finally cosplayed Bleez and Kyle Rayner~!This costume was super uncomfortable in so many ways, and it ended up being much more of a challenge than anticipated. I’m currently remaking the entire thing from
tenleid: So at Wondercon my boyfriend and I finally cosplayed Bleez and Kyle Rayner~!This costume was super uncomfortable in so many ways, and it ended up being much more of a challenge than anticipated. I’m currently remaking the entire thing from
tenleid: So at Wondercon my boyfriend and I finally cosplayed Bleez and Kyle Rayner~!This costume was super uncomfortable in so many ways, and it ended up being much more of a challenge than anticipated. I’m currently remaking the entire thing from
tenleid: So at Wondercon my boyfriend and I finally cosplayed Bleez and Kyle Rayner~!This costume was super uncomfortable in so many ways, and it ended up being much more of a challenge than anticipated. I’m currently remaking the entire thing from