His Adult Pics
c-opulation: strawberry // noun : a soft, juicy red fruit that grows on a low plant with white flowers.
c-opulation: strawberry // noun : a soft, juicy red fruit that grows on a low plant with white flowers.
C-Opulation: Inveigle // Verb : To Entice, Lure, Or Ensnare By Flattery Or Artful Talk Or Inducements.
C-Opulation: Centerpiece // Noun : The Central Or Outstanding Point Or Feature.
C-Opulation: Astride // Adverb : In A Posture Of Striding Or Straddling; With Legs Apart Or On Either Side Of Something.
C-Opulation: Cast // Verb : To Bestow; Confer: To Cast Blessings On Someone.
C-Opulation: Encarnalize // Verb : To Invest With A Worldly Or Sensual Nature Or Form; Make Carnal.
C-Opulation: Coalesce // Verb : To Cause To Unite In One Body.
C-Opulation: Cogitate // Verb : To Think Hard; Ponder; Meditate.
C-Opulation: Aperitive // Adjective : Having A Stimulating Effect On The Appetite.
C-Opulation: Crown // Noun : Supreme Source Of Honor, Excellence, Beauty.
C-Opulation: Impasse // Noun : A Position Or Situation From Which There Is No Escape.
C-Opulation: Majesty // Noun : Regal, Lofty, Or Stately Dignity; Imposing Greatness; Grandeur.
Purochen: Didn’t Have A Commish Doing On Today So I Drew Myself A Gift, W👀Mie!
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