alkahestic: simonbitdiddle: alkahestic: let’s just take a moment to appreciate the fact that edward elric can’t drive worth shit. Why didn’t he just repair the car with alchemy?! someone didn’t watch conqueror of shamballa
alkahestic: simonbitdiddle: alkahestic: let’s just take a moment to appreciate the fact that edward elric can’t drive worth shit. Why didn’t he just repair the car with alchemy?! someone didn’t watch conqueror of shamballa
alkahestic: simonbitdiddle: alkahestic: let’s just take a moment to appreciate the fact that edward elric can’t drive worth shit. Why didn’t he just repair the car with alchemy?! someone didn’t watch conqueror of shamballa
alkahestic: simonbitdiddle: alkahestic: let’s just take a moment to appreciate the fact that edward elric can’t drive worth shit. Why didn’t he just repair the car with alchemy?! someone didn’t watch conqueror of shamballa
alkahestic: simonbitdiddle: alkahestic: let’s just take a moment to appreciate the fact that edward elric can’t drive worth shit. Why didn’t he just repair the car with alchemy?! someone didn’t watch conqueror of shamballa
alkahestic: simonbitdiddle: alkahestic: let’s just take a moment to appreciate the fact that edward elric can’t drive worth shit. Why didn’t he just repair the car with alchemy?! someone didn’t watch conqueror of shamballa