golgafrinchanpride:“There are no sides, just patients.” That’s what they said as they treated our fallen enemies in Ishbal. The military asked them to stop but they wouldn’t and their makeshift hospital was becoming a den for insurgents. I got
golgafrinchanpride:“There are no sides, just patients.” That’s what they said as they treated our fallen enemies in Ishbal. The military asked them to stop but they wouldn’t and their makeshift hospital was becoming a den for insurgents. I got
golgafrinchanpride:“There are no sides, just patients.” That’s what they said as they treated our fallen enemies in Ishbal. The military asked them to stop but they wouldn’t and their makeshift hospital was becoming a den for insurgents. I got
golgafrinchanpride:“There are no sides, just patients.” That’s what they said as they treated our fallen enemies in Ishbal. The military asked them to stop but they wouldn’t and their makeshift hospital was becoming a den for insurgents. I got
golgafrinchanpride:“There are no sides, just patients.” That’s what they said as they treated our fallen enemies in Ishbal. The military asked them to stop but they wouldn’t and their makeshift hospital was becoming a den for insurgents. I got
golgafrinchanpride:“There are no sides, just patients.” That’s what they said as they treated our fallen enemies in Ishbal. The military asked them to stop but they wouldn’t and their makeshift hospital was becoming a den for insurgents. I got
golgafrinchanpride:“There are no sides, just patients.” That’s what they said as they treated our fallen enemies in Ishbal. The military asked them to stop but they wouldn’t and their makeshift hospital was becoming a den for insurgents. I got
golgafrinchanpride:“There are no sides, just patients.” That’s what they said as they treated our fallen enemies in Ishbal. The military asked them to stop but they wouldn’t and their makeshift hospital was becoming a den for insurgents. I got
golgafrinchanpride:“There are no sides, just patients.” That’s what they said as they treated our fallen enemies in Ishbal. The military asked them to stop but they wouldn’t and their makeshift hospital was becoming a den for insurgents. I got
golgafrinchanpride:“There are no sides, just patients.” That’s what they said as they treated our fallen enemies in Ishbal. The military asked them to stop but they wouldn’t and their makeshift hospital was becoming a den for insurgents. I got
golgafrinchanpride:“There are no sides, just patients.” That’s what they said as they treated our fallen enemies in Ishbal. The military asked them to stop but they wouldn’t and their makeshift hospital was becoming a den for insurgents. I got