insomniacs-rps: Louie listened carefully, trying not to let out the ‘aww’ that threatened to leave his lips when Jean’s ear made a fwap sound, hiding his smirk behind a yawn as he kept listening. He snorted when Jean said what he’d done, shaking
insomniacs-rps: Louie listened carefully, trying not to let out the ‘aww’ that threatened to leave his lips when Jean’s ear made a fwap sound, hiding his smirk behind a yawn as he kept listening. He snorted when Jean said what he’d done, shaking
insomniacs-rps: Louie listened carefully, trying not to let out the ‘aww’ that threatened to leave his lips when Jean’s ear made a fwap sound, hiding his smirk behind a yawn as he kept listening. He snorted when Jean said what he’d done, shaking