tomcatmagician:Thomas scarcely dared breathe. Almost from the moment ‘Jet’ had started talking again, he had been frozen in place, and it took a second for instinct to kick in and make him inhale sharply, deeply, mouth partly open to draw in the scent
tomcatmagician:Thomas scarcely dared breathe. Almost from the moment ‘Jet’ had started talking again, he had been frozen in place, and it took a second for instinct to kick in and make him inhale sharply, deeply, mouth partly open to draw in the scent
tomcatmagician:Thomas scarcely dared breathe. Almost from the moment ‘Jet’ had started talking again, he had been frozen in place, and it took a second for instinct to kick in and make him inhale sharply, deeply, mouth partly open to draw in the scent