//*sighs* I hate trying to contact bureaucrats. Trying to get onto a type of health insurance and since I’m a co-contractor, we don’t do pay stubs or any of that stuff at work. Called them once and they haven’t gotten back to me. This
//*sighs* I hate trying to contact bureaucrats. Trying to get onto a type of health insurance and since I’m a co-contractor, we don’t do pay stubs or any of that stuff at work. Called them once and they haven’t gotten back to me. This
//*sighs* I hate trying to contact bureaucrats. Trying to get onto a type of health insurance and since I’m a co-contractor, we don’t do pay stubs or any of that stuff at work. Called them once and they haven’t gotten back to me. This
//*sighs* I hate trying to contact bureaucrats. Trying to get onto a type of health insurance and since I’m a co-contractor, we don’t do pay stubs or any of that stuff at work. Called them once and they haven’t gotten back to me. This