commanderderp: okay okay i just want everyone to stop and remember this right here this is the moment where the entire arc really hits off— a turning point in the entire goddamn series because this is the moment where Armin— the weak, devious little
commanderderp: okay okay i just want everyone to stop and remember this right here this is the moment where the entire arc really hits off— a turning point in the entire goddamn series because this is the moment where Armin— the weak, devious little
commanderderp: okay okay i just want everyone to stop and remember this right here this is the moment where the entire arc really hits off— a turning point in the entire goddamn series because this is the moment where Armin— the weak, devious little
commanderderp: okay okay i just want everyone to stop and remember this right here this is the moment where the entire arc really hits off— a turning point in the entire goddamn series because this is the moment where Armin— the weak, devious little
commanderderp: okay okay i just want everyone to stop and remember this right here this is the moment where the entire arc really hits off— a turning point in the entire goddamn series because this is the moment where Armin— the weak, devious little