thefullmetaledwardelric: luckied replied to your post “™š” *blinkblink* I swear I thought you had… >_> *whistles innocently* //*pokes and chuckles* Nope… but you’re lucky I usually do them anyway for peoples I likes <3 //Yays!
thefullmetaledwardelric: luckied replied to your post “™š” *blinkblink* I swear I thought you had… >_> *whistles innocently* //*pokes and chuckles* Nope… but you’re lucky I usually do them anyway for peoples I likes <3 //Yays!
thefullmetaledwardelric: luckied replied to your post “™š” *blinkblink* I swear I thought you had… >_> *whistles innocently* //*pokes and chuckles* Nope… but you’re lucky I usually do them anyway for peoples I likes <3 //Yays!