thefullmetaledwardelric: luckied replied to your post: You. Me. Bed. Now. ((Nope, nope. You are right. ^-^ I play as Havoc here and there. )) “Well, I kinda swing both ways when I feel like it,” he responded, scratching the back of his head.
thefullmetaledwardelric: luckied replied to your post: You. Me. Bed. Now. ((Nope, nope. You are right. ^-^ I play as Havoc here and there. )) “Well, I kinda swing both ways when I feel like it,” he responded, scratching the back of his head.
thefullmetaledwardelric: luckied replied to your post: You. Me. Bed. Now. ((Nope, nope. You are right. ^-^ I play as Havoc here and there. )) “Well, I kinda swing both ways when I feel like it,” he responded, scratching the back of his head.