oobiwan: me: *remembers that out of the three main protagonists of the new star wars movie not one of them is a white man. that the most shipped pair is an interracial coupe with a black and hispanic man and that we are gonna get a female jedi as main
oobiwan: me: *remembers that out of the three main protagonists of the new star wars movie not one of them is a white man. that the most shipped pair is an interracial coupe with a black and hispanic man and that we are gonna get a female jedi as main
oobiwan: me: *remembers that out of the three main protagonists of the new star wars movie not one of them is a white man. that the most shipped pair is an interracial coupe with a black and hispanic man and that we are gonna get a female jedi as main
oobiwan: me: *remembers that out of the three main protagonists of the new star wars movie not one of them is a white man. that the most shipped pair is an interracial coupe with a black and hispanic man and that we are gonna get a female jedi as main