pleasuretorture: Every night was the same, no matter how deeply she slept, they came for her. She knew nobody would believe her even if she told someone, yet the aliens that abducted her were no dream. Every night she was lifted from her bed, taken by
pleasuretorture: Every night was the same, no matter how deeply she slept, they came for her. She knew nobody would believe her even if she told someone, yet the aliens that abducted her were no dream. Every night she was lifted from her bed, taken by
pleasuretorture: Every night was the same, no matter how deeply she slept, they came for her. She knew nobody would believe her even if she told someone, yet the aliens that abducted her were no dream. Every night she was lifted from her bed, taken by
pleasuretorture: Every night was the same, no matter how deeply she slept, they came for her. She knew nobody would believe her even if she told someone, yet the aliens that abducted her were no dream. Every night she was lifted from her bed, taken by