amirnizuno: i call the darkness unto me, from deepest depths of earth and sea from ancient evils unawoken, break the one that can’t be broken to blackest night i pledge my soul, and crush my heart to burning coal to summon forth a deathly power, to
amirnizuno: i call the darkness unto me, from deepest depths of earth and sea from ancient evils unawoken, break the one that can’t be broken to blackest night i pledge my soul, and crush my heart to burning coal to summon forth a deathly power, to
amirnizuno: i call the darkness unto me, from deepest depths of earth and sea from ancient evils unawoken, break the one that can’t be broken to blackest night i pledge my soul, and crush my heart to burning coal to summon forth a deathly power, to
amirnizuno: i call the darkness unto me, from deepest depths of earth and sea from ancient evils unawoken, break the one that can’t be broken to blackest night i pledge my soul, and crush my heart to burning coal to summon forth a deathly power, to
amirnizuno: i call the darkness unto me, from deepest depths of earth and sea from ancient evils unawoken, break the one that can’t be broken to blackest night i pledge my soul, and crush my heart to burning coal to summon forth a deathly power, to
amirnizuno: i call the darkness unto me, from deepest depths of earth and sea from ancient evils unawoken, break the one that can’t be broken to blackest night i pledge my soul, and crush my heart to burning coal to summon forth a deathly power, to
amirnizuno: i call the darkness unto me, from deepest depths of earth and sea from ancient evils unawoken, break the one that can’t be broken to blackest night i pledge my soul, and crush my heart to burning coal to summon forth a deathly power, to
amirnizuno: i call the darkness unto me, from deepest depths of earth and sea from ancient evils unawoken, break the one that can’t be broken to blackest night i pledge my soul, and crush my heart to burning coal to summon forth a deathly power, to
amirnizuno: i call the darkness unto me, from deepest depths of earth and sea from ancient evils unawoken, break the one that can’t be broken to blackest night i pledge my soul, and crush my heart to burning coal to summon forth a deathly power, to