brassparker: brassparker: my grams just called me TWICE because tr*mp’s interrupted her soap operas for like the fifth time with a press conference and she’s officially had it. there’s gonna be a revolution of elderly black women who can’t watch
brassparker: brassparker: my grams just called me TWICE because tr*mp’s interrupted her soap operas for like the fifth time with a press conference and she’s officially had it. there’s gonna be a revolution of elderly black women who can’t watch
brassparker: brassparker: my grams just called me TWICE because tr*mp’s interrupted her soap operas for like the fifth time with a press conference and she’s officially had it. there’s gonna be a revolution of elderly black women who can’t watch
brassparker: brassparker: my grams just called me TWICE because tr*mp’s interrupted her soap operas for like the fifth time with a press conference and she’s officially had it. there’s gonna be a revolution of elderly black women who can’t watch