myresin: vinesforall: eeli-ah: Social anxiety Grey shirt: [softly] Hello! Red shirt: [monotone] …hey. [chorus of angels, We Are The Champions by Queen begins playing] ♪ We are the cham– ♪ This is literally how it feels
myresin: vinesforall: eeli-ah: Social anxiety Grey shirt: [softly] Hello! Red shirt: [monotone] …hey. [chorus of angels, We Are The Champions by Queen begins playing] ♪ We are the cham– ♪ This is literally how it feels
myresin: vinesforall: eeli-ah: Social anxiety Grey shirt: [softly] Hello! Red shirt: [monotone] …hey. [chorus of angels, We Are The Champions by Queen begins playing] ♪ We are the cham– ♪ This is literally how it feels
myresin: vinesforall: eeli-ah: Social anxiety Grey shirt: [softly] Hello! Red shirt: [monotone] …hey. [chorus of angels, We Are The Champions by Queen begins playing] ♪ We are the cham– ♪ This is literally how it feels
myresin: vinesforall: eeli-ah: Social anxiety Grey shirt: [softly] Hello! Red shirt: [monotone] …hey. [chorus of angels, We Are The Champions by Queen begins playing] ♪ We are the cham– ♪ This is literally how it feels
myresin: vinesforall: eeli-ah: Social anxiety Grey shirt: [softly] Hello! Red shirt: [monotone] …hey. [chorus of angels, We Are The Champions by Queen begins playing] ♪ We are the cham– ♪ This is literally how it feels
myresin: vinesforall: eeli-ah: Social anxiety Grey shirt: [softly] Hello! Red shirt: [monotone] …hey. [chorus of angels, We Are The Champions by Queen begins playing] ♪ We are the cham– ♪ This is literally how it feels
myresin: vinesforall: eeli-ah: Social anxiety Grey shirt: [softly] Hello! Red shirt: [monotone] …hey. [chorus of angels, We Are The Champions by Queen begins playing] ♪ We are the cham– ♪ This is literally how it feels
myresin: vinesforall: eeli-ah: Social anxiety Grey shirt: [softly] Hello! Red shirt: [monotone] …hey. [chorus of angels, We Are The Champions by Queen begins playing] ♪ We are the cham– ♪ This is literally how it feels
myresin: vinesforall: eeli-ah: Social anxiety Grey shirt: [softly] Hello! Red shirt: [monotone] …hey. [chorus of angels, We Are The Champions by Queen begins playing] ♪ We are the cham– ♪ This is literally how it feels
myresin: vinesforall: eeli-ah: Social anxiety Grey shirt: [softly] Hello! Red shirt: [monotone] …hey. [chorus of angels, We Are The Champions by Queen begins playing] ♪ We are the cham– ♪ This is literally how it feels
myresin: vinesforall: eeli-ah: Social anxiety Grey shirt: [softly] Hello! Red shirt: [monotone] …hey. [chorus of angels, We Are The Champions by Queen begins playing] ♪ We are the cham– ♪ This is literally how it feels