that5amanon: That whole ten second bit with Soos tackling Stan to keep him away from the button, it broke my heart, to be honest. Stanford truly was a father figure, yet Soos still stopped him from getting to the portal, saying, “Sorry Mr. Pines, if
that5amanon: That whole ten second bit with Soos tackling Stan to keep him away from the button, it broke my heart, to be honest. Stanford truly was a father figure, yet Soos still stopped him from getting to the portal, saying, “Sorry Mr. Pines, if
that5amanon: That whole ten second bit with Soos tackling Stan to keep him away from the button, it broke my heart, to be honest. Stanford truly was a father figure, yet Soos still stopped him from getting to the portal, saying, “Sorry Mr. Pines, if