weareinvictus: france has had a ban on niqabs and burqas since 2011 but the european court of human rights declared in 2014 that it is not restricting human rights i hope you know islamophobia is a further reaching problem in france than just the comics
weareinvictus: france has had a ban on niqabs and burqas since 2011 but the european court of human rights declared in 2014 that it is not restricting human rights i hope you know islamophobia is a further reaching problem in france than just the comics
weareinvictus: france has had a ban on niqabs and burqas since 2011 but the european court of human rights declared in 2014 that it is not restricting human rights i hope you know islamophobia is a further reaching problem in france than just the comics
weareinvictus: france has had a ban on niqabs and burqas since 2011 but the european court of human rights declared in 2014 that it is not restricting human rights i hope you know islamophobia is a further reaching problem in france than just the comics