stayuglystayangry: look back and think, “what if i DIDNT join LJ/neopets boards/RP stuff/whatever you did at age 13. maybe i would be a normal, well adjusted human instead of spending 24 hours a day on tumblr”
stayuglystayangry: look back and think, “what if i DIDNT join LJ/neopets boards/RP stuff/whatever you did at age 13. maybe i would be a normal, well adjusted human instead of spending 24 hours a day on tumblr”
stayuglystayangry: look back and think, “what if i DIDNT join LJ/neopets boards/RP stuff/whatever you did at age 13. maybe i would be a normal, well adjusted human instead of spending 24 hours a day on tumblr”
stayuglystayangry: look back and think, “what if i DIDNT join LJ/neopets boards/RP stuff/whatever you did at age 13. maybe i would be a normal, well adjusted human instead of spending 24 hours a day on tumblr”