tilly-and-trxye: neizpaust: Please be careful if you have epilepsy and go to see mockingjay. One scene in particular is about a minute and a half of bright, rapidly flashing lights and my cinema didn’t warn anyone about it this is really important,
tilly-and-trxye: neizpaust: Please be careful if you have epilepsy and go to see mockingjay. One scene in particular is about a minute and a half of bright, rapidly flashing lights and my cinema didn’t warn anyone about it this is really important,
tilly-and-trxye: neizpaust: Please be careful if you have epilepsy and go to see mockingjay. One scene in particular is about a minute and a half of bright, rapidly flashing lights and my cinema didn’t warn anyone about it this is really important,
tilly-and-trxye: neizpaust: Please be careful if you have epilepsy and go to see mockingjay. One scene in particular is about a minute and a half of bright, rapidly flashing lights and my cinema didn’t warn anyone about it this is really important,